Furry Friends As Co-Workers: Navigating Work-From-Home with Pets

🦴 Updated on September 25th, 2024

You’re on a conference call, aiming to sound professional, when your dog starts barking at the postman like he’s defending Buckingham Palace. Or perhaps your cat has taken a keen interest in your keyboard, turning your latest report into a series of mysterious symbols. This can be the reality of working from home with pets—a delightful, if sometimes chaotic, mix of deadlines and cuddles. But fear not! With a bit of clever planning, you can master the art of balancing work tasks with pet care, and maybe even come to appreciate those furry interruptions.

The Pet Boom: How Lockdown Made Pets Our New Co-Workers

Since the pandemic turned our living rooms into offices, more people than ever have embraced the joys (and challenges) of having pets around while working. Pet ownership in the UK increased significantly during lockdowns, with millions of households welcoming new pets. Our furry companions have become unofficial colleagues, adding joy and a touch of chaos to our daily routines.

But let’s not pretend it’s all picture-perfect. Managing work with pets around requires balancing professionalism and pet care, especially if you want to keep both your boss and your pet content. Animal behaviourists note that pets thrive on routine and can become stressed by changes, making it important to establish a work environment that works for everyone involved.

Set Up Success: Creating Pet-Friendly Workspaces

Your pet doesn’t understand why you’re staring at a screen instead of playing fetch, and they certainly don’t care about your latest project deadline. So, how do you maintain focus without constant interruptions?

Designate a Pet Zone: Set up a specific area where your pet can relax and keep busy. This could be a cosy bed, a favourite blanket, or a corner filled with toys. Dogs might appreciate a spot where they can see you but not interrupt, while cats might enjoy a high perch to observe from above.

Use Barriers Wisely: If your pet has a tendency to invade your workspace, consider using pet gates or barriers. These can keep your pet nearby without allowing them to take over your desk or knock over your coffee cup.

Stick to a Routine: Establish a regular schedule for walks, playtime, and feeding. This helps your pet understand when it’s time for attention and when it’s time for you to focus on work. Maintaining a consistent routine can also help reduce anxiety and behavioural issues, keeping everyone happier.

Keeping the Peace: Entertaining Your Pet While You Work

A bored pet is a recipe for mischief, and nobody wants to discover their shoes chewed up or the sofa clawed to pieces. Keep your furry friend occupied with these strategies:

Interactive Toys and Puzzles: Invest in toys that challenge your pet’s mind. For dogs, consider treat-dispensing toys or puzzle feeders. Cats often enjoy things like laser pointers, feather wands, or automated toys. Keeping pets mentally stimulated can prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of destructive behaviours.

Exercise Breaks: Schedule short breaks to play with your pet or take them for a walk. This not only benefits your pet but also gives you a chance to stretch and recharge. Research shows that regular breaks can enhance productivity and reduce stress, making these play sessions a win-win.

Chews and Treats: Provide pet-safe chews or long-lasting treats to keep your pet busy. This can satisfy their need to chew and save your belongings from becoming a target.

Handling Interruptions: What to Do When Pets Cause Chaos

No matter how well you plan, pets have a knack for causing chaos at the worst possible moments. Here’s how to manage those inevitable interruptions:

Stay Calm: If your pet starts causing a ruckus during a call, stay calm. Pets pick up on our emotions, so if you remain relaxed, they’re likely to calm down faster too.

Quick Distractions: Keep a stash of toys or treats within arm’s reach. If your pet starts to act up, a quick distraction can buy you the time you need to finish that email or presentation.

Tech Solutions: Consider using technology like pet cameras or smart feeders. These tools can allow you to interact with your pet or provide them with food and treats, even when you’re not in the room.

Thriving in the WFH Pet Life

Balancing work and pet care in a home office might seem daunting, but with a bit of preparation and a lot of love, it’s completely doable. Your pet is more than just a distraction—they’re a source of comfort and joy, especially on tough workdays. By setting boundaries, keeping your pet entertained, and embracing the occasional interruption, you can create a WFH environment that suits both you and your furry friend.

After all, who wouldn’t want a wagging tail or a soft purr to accompany them through the workday?

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Prostock-studio.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.