The 10 Biggest Inheritances Ever Left to Pets

Ever wondered what life is like for pets who inherit millions? From luxury living to trust funds that ensure their every need is met, these pampered pets will leave you astonished at the lengths some owners go to for their beloved animals.

1. Gunther III (German Shepherd) – $80 Million

German Shepherd
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sabine Hagedorn

Carlotta Liebenstein, a German countess, left her entire fortune to her German Shepherd, Gunther III, in 1992. Thanks to savvy investments, this inheritance ballooned to over $372 million, making Gunther III, and later his offspring Gunther IV, one of the wealthiest pets ever.

2. Kalu (Chimpanzee) – $70 Million

Image Credit: Pexel / Antonio Friedemann

Patricia O’Neill, daughter of a British countess, left her chimpanzee Kalu a staggering $70 million. This inheritance was meant to ensure Kalu’s care in her Cape Town estate. However, a crooked financial advisor reportedly siphoned off much of the fortune.

3. Oprah Winfrey’s Dogs – $30 Million

Image Credit: Shutterstock / zoyas2222

Oprah Winfrey, renowned TV host and billionaire, has set aside $30 million in a trust fund for her five dogs—Luke, Layla, Sadie, Sunny, and Lauren. This ensures they will be well cared for even if something happens to her.

4. Tommaso (Cat) – $13 Million

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Szatkowski Patryk

Tommaso, a stray cat rescued from the streets of Rome, inherited $13 million from his owner, Maria Assunta. The childless widow of an Italian real estate investor wanted to ensure Tommaso’s comfort after her death in 2011.

5. Blackie (Cat) – $12.5 Million

Image Credit: Pexel / David Bartus

British antique dealer Ben Rea left almost his entire estate to his cat, Blackie, in 1988. The reclusive millionaire’s bequest also benefited three cat charities, ensuring Blackie lived in luxury.

6. Trouble (Maltese) – $12 Million

Image Credit: Shutterstock / StreetShotCps

Leona Helmsley, a real estate mogul, left $12 million to her dog, Trouble, in 2007. Despite subsequent legal battles and threats to Trouble’s safety, a judge later reduced this amount to $2 million.

7. Conchita, Lucia, and April Marie (Dogs) – $11 Million

Image Credit: Pexel / musicFactory lehmannsound

Gail Posner left her three dogs—Conchita, a Chihuahua; Lucia, a Yorkshire Terrier; and April Marie, a Maltese—$11 million, including an $8 million mansion. This extravagant bequest also included funds for their weekly spa visits.

8. Gigoo (Hen) – $10 Million

Image Credit: Pexel / PhotoMIX Company

Miles Blackwell, a British publishing magnate, left $10 million to his hen, Gigoo, after his death. Known for his animal welfare efforts, Blackwell ensured Gigoo’s future was secured.

9. Majel Barrett-Roddenberry’s Dogs – $4 Million

Image Credit: Pexel / Efrem Efre

The widow of “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, left $4 million to her dogs in 2009. An additional $1 million was allocated to a domestic employee to care for them.

10. Michael Jackson’s Chimpanzee, Bubbles

Image Credit: Pexel / Francesco Ungaro

While not explicitly detailed in financial terms, Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee, Bubbles, was reportedly provided for in his will. Jackson’s estate ensured that Bubbles lived comfortably after the pop star’s death.

Are You Doing Enough for Your Pet?

Image Credit: Pexel / Helena Lopes

While these examples of extreme pet pampering might seem over the top, they highlight the lengths some go to for their pets’ well-being. Reflecting on these lavish bequests might make you consider your own pet care routine. Are you doing enough to ensure your pet’s health and happiness?

The post The 10 Biggest Inheritances Ever Left to Pets first appeared on PawShore.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / OlgaBartashevich.

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