Pet Owner’s Regret: 18 Ways I Screwed Up with My Dog

I’ve had Rollo, my Lab-Collie mix, since he was a puppy. But the truth is, I tell people he’s a rescue because I’m deeply ashamed of how I’ve let him down. Here’s my confession of the mistakes I made, hoping you won’t repeat them and can give your pet the life they deserve.

1. Neglected Socialisation

Image Credit: Shutterstock / muroPhotographer

I didn’t prioritise socialising Rollo with other dogs or people when he was young. Now, he’s fearful and aggressive towards strangers, turning every walk into a stressful ordeal. I’m embarrassed every time he lunges and barks at someone new, knowing it’s my fault.

2. Inconsistent Training

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Luis Molinero

I was inconsistent with Rollo’s training, often giving in to his demands or forgetting to reinforce commands. Now, he barely listens to me, making basic commands a challenge. I feel like I’ve let him down by not providing the structure he needed from the start.

3. Overfeeding Treats

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Monkeyoum

I used treats excessively to keep Rollo quiet and entertained. This led to obesity and related health issues, shortening his life expectancy and causing joint problems. Watching him struggle to move breaks my heart, knowing I contributed to his suffering.

4. Skipping Vet Visits

Image Credit: Shutterstock / SpeedKingz

To save money, I skipped regular vet check-ups. Now, Rollo has chronic health issues that could have been prevented with early detection and treatment. I’m filled with guilt every time I see him suffer because I didn’t prioritise his health.

5. Using Harsh Punishments

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bangkok Click Studio

In moments of frustration, I resorted to harsh punishments. This damaged his trust in me and made him fearful, which only exacerbated his behavioural problems. The look in his eyes when I raised my voice is something I can never forget.

6. Not Providing Enough Exercise

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gladskikh Tatiana

I often skipped his daily walks because I was too tired or busy. His pent-up energy turned into destructive behaviour, chewing furniture and digging up the garden. The holes in my garden are a constant reminder of my neglect and his frustration.

7. Ignoring Dental Care

Image Credit: Shutterstock / BONDART PHOTOGRAPHY

I neglected his dental hygiene, thinking it wasn’t important. Now, Rollo has severe dental disease, causing him pain and requiring expensive treatments. Every time he struggles to eat, I feel the weight of my failure to care for his basic needs.

8. Feeding Him Low-Quality Food

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Omi Works

I bought the cheapest dog food without considering the ingredients. This poor diet has led to nutritional deficiencies and a dull coat. Seeing other dogs with shiny coats and healthy bodies makes me realise how much better Rollo could have been with proper nutrition.

9. Failing to Set Boundaries

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Helen Sushitskaya

I let him do whatever he wanted as a puppy because I thought it was cute. Now, he doesn’t understand boundaries and often misbehaves, creating constant stress at home. My house is chaotic because I didn’t provide the discipline he needed.

10. Leaving Him Alone Too Much

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Chantarat

I left him alone for long hours while I was at work without considering his needs. This led to severe separation anxiety, making him destructive and overly dependent on me. I dread leaving the house, knowing he’ll be anxious and destructive in my absence.

11. Ignoring Signs of Anxiety

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Iryna Kalamurza

I didn’t recognise the signs of anxiety in him and failed to address them. His anxiety has now escalated to severe panic attacks, making him miserable. Seeing him panic breaks my heart, knowing I could have helped him earlier if I’d paid attention.

12. Not Investing in Training Classes

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Christian Mueller

I thought professional training was unnecessary and expensive. Now, his lack of proper training is a daily struggle, and I regret not investing in it earlier. I feel helpless every time he ignores a command or misbehaves because I didn’t give him the guidance he needed.

13. Allowing Bad Behaviour

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

I laughed off his bad behaviour when he was young, thinking he would grow out of it. Instead, those behaviours became ingrained, and now they’re hard to correct. My home is filled with chaos because I didn’t correct his actions early on.

14. Lack of Mental Stimulation

Image Credit: Shutterstock / S. Ellzey

I didn’t provide enough mental stimulation, leaving Rollo bored. This boredom led to destructive behaviours and a lack of engagement with his environment. He deserves so much more than the monotony I allowed him to endure.

15. Feeding Table Scraps

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jaromir Chalabala

I frequently gave him table scraps, not realising how unhealthy they were for him. This bad habit contributed to his weight gain and poor nutrition. Every time I see him beg, I’m reminded of how I failed to provide a proper diet.

16. Neglecting Grooming

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Djordje Novakov

I neglected regular grooming, leading to matted fur and skin infections. His discomfort and health issues could have been avoided with proper care. The look of discomfort on his face haunts me, knowing it’s because I didn’t take the time to groom him properly.

17. Overlooking Breed-Specific Needs

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Othman Mohammad

I didn’t consider his breed-specific needs and challenges. His natural behaviours and instincts went unmet, leading to frustration and behavioural issues. I should have researched and understood what a Lab-Collie mix requires to be happy and healthy.

18. Lack of Consistent Routine

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Masarik

I didn’t establish a consistent routine for feeding, walking, and bedtime. This inconsistency created anxiety and confusion for him, affecting his overall well-being. His restless nights and anxious days are a reflection of my failure to provide stability.

Reflecting on My Mistakes

Image Credit: Shutterstock / antoniodiaz

Realising my mistakes has been heartbreaking, but I hope sharing them helps others avoid the same pitfalls. Our pets depend on us for their happiness and health. Make informed choices and prioritise their needs to ensure they live a happy, healthy life. Don’t let your beloved pet become a reflection of your regrets.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jaromir Chalabala.

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