🦴 Updated on July 5th, 2023

Do Dachshunds shed? Depending on what kind of coat they have, their overall health, diet, and the time of year, a dachshund can shed anywhere from rarely to moderately. They are not heavy shedders by any means, but you should still take care to groom your pup and keep their coat under control. This makes for a fine-looking dog and less of a hairy mess for you.
Do Dachshunds Shed A Lot?
How much do dachshunds shed? Overall, dachshunds are in the low shedding category. Their shedding comes nowhere close to the tumble-weed-like fur balls you find as a husky owner.
Also known as weiner dogs, dachshunds were bred in Germany to hunt badgers. “Dachshund” in German translates to “Badger Dog.” The Dachshund is recognizable by its long body, short legs, and long, tapered snout. These small, curious, and gregarious little pups come in two sizes and three varieties of coat.
The amount of shedding varies with the Dachshund’s coat variety. In general, a dachshund with a longer coat will need to be brushed more often to reduce shedding.
Smooth-coated Dachshunds
The smooth-coated dachshund is the most common type of dachshund. This is probably the variety you picture when you think of a wiener dog. Out of all the dachshund varieties, they shed the least thanks to their short fur. They also don’t have as much undercoat as other dachshund varieties.
According to The American Kennel Club, the smooth-coated dachshund is very low-maintenance when it comes to grooming, described as “wash and wear.” You don’t have to brush a smooth-haired dachshund too much to get them groomed. Rubbing them down with a towel is all the grooming they need to look silky.
Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Shed?
Long-haired dachshunds can be identified by their soft, wavy hair. Like other dogs, they have an undercoat to keep them warm during the winter months. Their undercoat is thicker than other dachshunds’, so they shed more than either the smooth-coated or wirehaired dachshund.
Also, because their hair is longer, the hair left behind by long-haired dachshund shedding is more visible on your furniture and clothes. If you or someone you live with has longer hair, you probably already know it can get everywhere.
A long-haired dachshund should be brushed regularly, not only to gather up loose hair but to keep their long hair from tangling up too much. You don’t want to contend with truly matted and tangled knots in your dog’s coat. Regular brushing will reduce furball-related aggravation for you and keeps your wiener dog looking sleek and glossy.
Wire-Haired Dachshunds
Out of the three dachshund varieties, the wire-haired dachshund requires the most grooming attention. They are related to Terriers, and therefore have bristly hair that needs to be plucked and stripped a couple of times a year to keep it at a manageable length. You can do this yourself or take your wire-hair to the groomers.
The wire-haired dachshund sheds more than the smooth-coated dachshund does, and you should brush their coat daily just like the long-haired dachshund. They also have bristly hair on their faces that looks like a beard and eyebrows. This is part of the outer coat and will need to be trimmed regularly.
Do Mini Dachshunds Shed?
Mini Dachshunds, as their name suggests, are smaller than standard dachshunds. Just like their larger counterparts, mini dachshunds were bred in Germany for hunting. The mini dachshund was bred smaller to hunt smaller prey like weasels and rabbits.
Mini dachshunds are sometimes the result of intentionally bred runts of a dachshund litter. Alternately, they can be a cross between a Toy Terrier and a Pinscher.
The only difference between standard and mini dachshunds is their size and weight. The breed standard weight for a miniature dachshund is 11 pounds or less. A standard dachshund is heavier at 16+ pounds. Some standard dachshunds can weigh up to 32 pounds.
Since it is essentially the same as a standard dachshund, a mini dachshund can have the same three coat types: long-haired, wire-haired, and smooth-haired. They can be groomed the same way you would groom a standard dachshund with the same hair variety.
What Factors Affect Dachshund Shedding?
You may notice that your dachshund sheds very little sometimes, and other times they’re dropping hair all over the place. The amount of shedding is influenced mainly by the seasons. Your pup’s overall health and nutrition also affect shedding, and an excessive amount of shedding may be a sign of an underlying health problem.
Keep in mind that shedding is a natural thing for dogs. When their coat is old or no longer needed, they shed the excess fur in spring so that a new coat can grow. If you notice a dramatic increase in shedding and think it might be caused by a health problem, consult with your veterinarian.
Seasonal Shedding
Shedding in dachshunds (and dogs in general) is caused primarily by their environment and the current season. The temperature affects how much a dog sheds, and dachshunds are no exception. A dachshund’s coat protects their skin and keeps them warm during the winter months. They shed in the spring, allowing them to be more comfortable in the warm weather.
Seasonal shedding is a natural kind of shedding. Once your dog has dropped their coat for the summer, you should see a decrease in loose dog fur around your house. That is, until the next seasonal shedding.
Dachshund Hair Types
Smooth-coat, long-haired, and wire-haired dachshunds all shed different amounts and require a certain grooming regimen to keep them looking their best (and to keep your house clean). Regardless of your dachshund’s hair type, you should brush your dog every day to get ahead of the shedding. If you catch it all at once, that means less vacuuming for you later.
Diet and nutrition also impact your dachshund’s shedding. If your dachshund is on a balanced and healthy diet, their skin and hair will be much more healthy. There are certain vitamins and minerals that dogs should get to keep from excessive shedding, including Omega-3 fatty acids for a healthier, stronger coat.
If your dog is eating food that contains too much corn and bran ingredients, they have difficulty digesting it. This leads to dry skin, and they can begin to lose more fur than usual. Research dog food brands and find one that contains natural ingredients. Just focus on what your dog needs for their overall health, and the shedding will take care of itself.
Overall Health
Shedding might also be caused by a health problem in your dog. Some illnesses like thyroid problems, kidney problems, and immune diseases can cause your dog to shed more. To keep your pup from shedding, look after their overall health and regularly take them to the vet. Of course, you want your dog to be healthy no matter what, but less shedding is a bonus.
Even if you think it might be nothing, consult your vet if you have any questions or concerns about your dog’s shedding. I’ve brought my pup to the vet on a hunch before, and I’ve never been scolded for “freaking out” or bringing in my pet “for no reason.” Veterinarians know that you care for your pet, and they’d rather you be careful than ignore a serious problem.
Fleas and Other Infestations
Parasite infestations like mites, fleas, and lice can lead to hair loss in your dachshund. There’s an easy way to tell if this is the reason. If your dog is losing fur around their collar and tail, they are probably infested with fleas. This hair loss is often caused by your dog scratching the infested area, so that’s another clue if you see them scratching more than usual.
To prevent parasites, get your dog their seasonal flea, tick, and parasite treatment at your local vet’s office. A simple treatment is less time-consuming in the long run than having to contend with a flea infestation.
If your dog gets a bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection in their skin, they will probably begin to shed too much. You should take your dog to the vet if their shedding comes with a rash, sores, or bald spots and if your dog is licking or scratching all the time. If you think your dog has an infection, ask your vet about antibiotic therapy.
Excessive shedding in your dog can be caused by unbalanced levels of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. Also, a female may drop her coat after giving birth to puppies or after her heat cycle. A male dog may shed more after getting neutered. These kinds of shedding are natural responses to a change in hormone levels and should correct themselves in time.
Ways to Reduce Your Dachshund’s Shedding
Shedding is natural for dogs. It’s how they keep their coat fresh and healthy. It can be annoying to find furballs all over your house, but this is part of having a dog. You can’t stop them from shedding completely, but you can certainly keep healthy shedding under control.
Try to find dog food without additives. Low-quality dog foods don’t have a lot of the essential nutrition that dogs need, like vitamins and minerals. A good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your dog’s diet will keep their skin, hair follicles, and hair healthy and glossy.
Bathing and Grooming
Bathing your dog will get lots of loose hair out of their coat before it falls out all over your house. This will also keep the fur on their body clean and easy to maintain.
Especially if you have a long-haired dachshund, you should brush them every day. This will keep them from shedding and keep their long hair from getting too tangled. Brushing also spreads the dog’s skin oils evenly across their coat. Make brushing part of your daily routine, in the morning while your coffee is brewing or after work as you sit down with a book or a movie.
In Short
Whether you adopt a smooth-coated, wire-haired, or long-haired dachshund, you’ve got yourself a playful, curious, and friendly companion. The dachshund is in the low shedding category and is low maintenance when it comes to grooming. Don’t underestimate the power of a quick daily brushing.
In general, shedding is a perfectly healthy part of your dog’s life. It just means that their hair is growing a fresh coat for the new season. If you have any concerns about a dramatic change in your dachshund’s shedding, don’t hesitate to consult your vet.