Cat Breeds at Risk of Theft: 10 Ways to Protect Them

Cat theft in the UK isn’t just a distressing possibility; it’s a growing issue, particularly for owners of certain breeds and types. Is your cat at an increased risk?

1. Breeds Most at Risk

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frau aus UA

Purebred cats like Bengals, Siamese, and Persians are highly prized and frequently targeted by thieves due to their substantial resale value.

2. Distinctive Colours and Markings

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Cats with unique or striking markings, such as tortoiseshells or ‘tuxedo’ cats, often attract unwanted attention, making them prime targets for theft.

3. Friendly Personalities

Image Credit: Shutterstock / rai106

Cats that are overly sociable and less wary of strangers are more susceptible to being stolen. Their trusting nature can unfortunately make them easy targets.

4. Microchip Your Cat

Image Credit: Shutterstock / LightField Studios

Ensure your cat is microchipped and that your contact details are up-to-date in the registry. A microchip is your best bet for getting your cat back if they are stolen.

5. Keep Them Indoors at Night

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Magui RF

Limiting outdoor access at night can significantly reduce the risk of theft. Most thefts happen under the cover of darkness.

6. Secure Your Garden

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Genotar

Make it difficult for thieves to access your garden by installing higher fences and lockable gates. A secure garden is a deterrent to would-be cat thieves.

7. Use a GPS Tracker

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nils Jacobi

Fit your cat with a GPS tracker to monitor their movements. This technology allows you to track their location in real-time.

8. Neuter Your Cat

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Zaiets

A neutered cat is less likely to roam far from home, making them less of a target for theft. This also reduces the risk of unwanted litters.

9. Be Discreet Online

Image Credit: Shutterstock / bombermoon

Be careful about sharing information about your cat on social media, especially if they are a rare breed or have distinctive markings. Oversharing can attract the wrong kind of attention.

10. Install Security Cameras

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Deer worawut

Security cameras can act as a deterrent to thieves and help you keep an eye on your cat’s outdoor activities. Make sure cameras cover the areas where your cat spends time.

11. Use Collars with ID Tags

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sheila Fitzgerald

While microchips are essential, visible ID tags can help someone contact you immediately if they find your cat. Ensure the collar is safe and breaks away if caught.

12. Train Your Cat to Stay Close

Image Credit: Shutterstock / oatawa

Teach your cat to stay within the confines of your home or garden. Cats that wander are more likely to be stolen.

13. Be Cautious with Strangers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa

Be wary of strangers in the area showing an unusual interest in your cat. Keep your pet away from people you don’t trust.

14. Keep Windows and Doors Secure

Image Credit: Shutterstock / RossHelen

Ensure that all possible entry points, like windows and pet doors, are secure, especially when you’re not at home. This prevents thieves from easy access.

15. Create a Safe Haven

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Healthy Definition

Provide a safe, inviting indoor environment for your cat so they are less likely to wander. Happy cats are content to stay close to home.

Cat Safety Is No Joke

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Julija Sulkovska

Taking proactive steps to protect your cat isn’t just about security; it’s about ensuring they live a long and happy life with you. Don’t wait until it’s too late to start taking your cat’s safety seriously.

The post Cats at Risk of Theft and 10 Ways to Protect Them first appeared on PawShore.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / cabuscaa.

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