🦴 Updated on July 20th, 2023

Welcoming a new pet to the family is an incredibly exciting event. However, adopting a puppy comes with its share of responsibilities.
As an experienced pit bull owner, I highly recommend potty training your new puppy as soon as possible. Potty training your puppy early will prevent undesirable behaviors and help you connect with your new pet.
Read on for tips on potty training a pit bull puppy.
Pitbull Puppy Potty Training
Are pit bulls easy to train? Compared to other breeds, pit bulls tend to recall information well. Getting your pit bull to understand a new command typically takes fewer repetitions.
However, puppies can be challenging to train due to their short attention span. Because dogs don’t see going to the bathroom as bad, it takes repetition to understand that they shouldn’t do it inside.
The Importance of Positive Reinforcement
When you’re beginning to learn how to potty train your pitbull puppy, positive reinforcement is the best way to ensure they understand that going to the bathroom outside is appropriate.
Positive training is a relatively new concept in dog training. It dates back to the 1940s but didn’t become a mainstream method until the 2000s.
With this approach, you’re using rewards and punishments so that your dog learns to associate a specific behavior with its consequence. The emphasis is on rewarding your puppy for the behaviors you want to see.
How to House Train a Pitbull Puppy
Until your puppy knows not to pee or poop in the house, you can use a crate or baby gate to limit where they can go. You can, for instance, keep your new puppy in an area with tiles or hardwood flooring where accidents will be easier to clean.
Potty pads are a great training tool. These pads contain an attractant that makes dogs want to use the bathroom. Since puppies might not have good control of their bladder muscles yet, potty pads provide them with a spot to relieve themselves in between outings.
Dog Pee Pads are the perfect way to protect your floors from pet accidents. These pads feature a leak-proof design and a quick-dry surface, so you can quickly clean up any messes.
Take your pit bull puppy outside at regular intervals. Ideally, you should go outside every hour or two. When your puppy pees or poops on one of those outdoor trips, praise her and offer a treat.
Feed your puppy on a regular schedule. Most dogs have an exact internal clock and will have a bowel movement within 30 minutes to an hour of eating. Your puppy will likely need to urinate within 15 to 30 minutes of drinking water.
Planning your walks or outside playtime after meals is a great way to get your puppy to associate using the bathroom outside with a positive activity.
If you’re using potty pads, you can gradually move the potty pad closer to the door and eventually place the potty pad outside. Don’t forget to praise your puppy when she uses the potty pad.
Teach Your Puppy to Ask to Go Outside
Pit bull-type breeds are intelligent and can learn tricks easily. When potty training a pitbull puppy, you can teach your pet to ring a bell or press a button to let you know she needs to go outside.
Place a bell or button by the door and get into the habit of using it when taking your puppy outside.
Once your puppy gets used to this ritual, encourage her to interact with the bell or button. Offer a treat and praise your puppy if she nudges or touches the device. With some patience, your puppy will eventually figure out how to activate the bell or button.
With enough repetition, your puppy will understand that ringing the bell or touching the button means going outside.
When Should I Start Potty Training My Pitbull Puppy?
You can start with pitbull puppy potty training as soon as your new pet is old enough to control her bladder muscles. Puppies typically develop this ability between 12 and 16 weeks.
If you have a younger puppy, keep her in a crate or area with potty pads since she won’t be able to control when she goes to the bathroom. You can still offer treats and praise her when she goes outside, but don’t expect your puppy to have control of her bladder yet.
Potty training should begin immediately if you’re adopting a puppy 12 weeks or older. Potty training a pitbull puppy will be more challenging if you give your new pet time to get used to urinating inside.
How Long Does It Take to Potty Train a Pitbull Puppy?
Pit bulls are loyal dogs who are eager to please their owners. However, it can take a while for a puppy to learn to control her bladder muscles fully.
Some dogs can learn potty training in as little as three to four months. Others will need up to a year.
Be patient and remember that repetition and consistency are crucial. You must set clear rules, so your new puppy understands what you expect.
Crate Training Tips for a Pit Bull Puppy
Crate training a pitbull puppy has several advantages. Using a crate means your puppy can’t roam through the house freely when you’re away, which will limit accidents.
Crate training can help potty training because your puppy will instinctively not want to soil the area where they sleep and eat.
If you’re wondering how to potty train a pitbull puppy with a crate, these tips should help:
- Get your puppy used to the crate slowly by letting her spend 10 to 15 minutes in the crate at first.
- Make the crate appealing by adding some blankets and your puppy’s favorite toys.
- Stay in the same room first and gradually leave for a few minutes.
- Once your puppy is comfortable in the crate, you can use it for extended periods but not exceed four to five hours.
If you decide to use crate training, take your puppy outside regularly so they can go to the bathroom, and don’t let your puppy roam through the house unless you’re here to supervise.
Besides helping with potty training, crate training can also help with separation anxiety. As your dog gets older, she will be able to spend more time in the crate, and it can become a great way to curb separation anxiety since the crate will become a safe space for your dog.
Crates can also be beneficial in households with multiple pets and children. The crate can become a space where your dog can get a break from the stimulation and relax.
Dealing With Pit Bull Potty Accidents
Remember that the best way to potty train a pitbull puppy is to use positive reinforcement. This method prioritizes praising and rewarding your puppy or punishing her.
Accidents are a normal part of owning a puppy, and it’s something you should be ready to deal with if you want to adopt a pet.
The best way to respond to an accident is to take your puppy outside and praise her if she uses the bathroom. Punishing your puppy for peeing or pooping inside can do more harm than good. Rubbing your puppy’s nose in it or raising your voice aren’t healthy training methods.
Your puppy can become fearful of you or associate going to the bathroom with something negative. She will then try to hide from you to pee or poop, which makes potty training even more challenging.
After taking your puppy outside so she can finish relieving herself, clean up the spot immediately. Dogs have a sense of smell that is 1,000 to 10,000 more developed than humans.

If an area smells like feces or urine, they will want to use the bathroom in this spot again. The site might also attract other pets and cause them to pee inside.
A regular household cleaner will only remove the smell partially. The best way to clean up after your puppy is to use an enzyme cleaner that completely dissolves the molecules that give urine and feces their scent.
Make sure everyone in your household deals with accidents the same way, even if cleaning up can be frustrating. Your puppy needs consistency to learn potty training.
Are Pitbull Puppies Easy to Potty Train?
Are pit bulls hard to potty train? Pit bulls are easier to train than other breeds, but you should know that training a puppy always comes with its challenges.
Because they’re smart, these dogs typically understand what you expect from them quickly. However, learning to control bladder muscles can be difficult, especially if you have a young puppy.
Potty training your new companion will take a few months, and you’ll have to commit to this task. Potty training your pet entails taking her outside regularly, cleaning up accidents, and using praise or treats consistently.
Engaging in additional training activities can help. Plan daily training sessions of 15 to 20 minutes to teach your puppy a few basic commands.
These training sessions will strengthen the bond you share with your new puppy. It will also teach her to focus and listen.
Unexperienced pit bull owners should think about joining an obedience class. These classes are an excellent way for your puppy to socialize with other humans and dogs.
You’ll benefit from the experience of a professional trainer who can give you some tips on how to potty train a pitbull puppy and teach her basic commands.
What If My Puppy Is Stubborn?
Some dogs can be stubborn and difficult to train. It’s often the case with breeds with independent traits, like the Shiba Inu, Akita, or Jack Russell Terrier.
Pit bull-type breeds are generally not headstrong. If you’re running into issues with a stubborn puppy, it’s more likely that your pet isn’t understanding what you expect.
If you’re inconsistent with praising her for urinating outside or don’t clean up accidents thoroughly, your puppy can easily become confused about rules regarding potty training. Everyone in your household needs to follow these same rules.
Another reason for a stubborn pit bull puppy is a lack of activity. Pit bull-type breeds like the Staffordshire Terrier are athletic and need an active lifestyle.
If your puppy doesn’t get enough opportunities to play and exercise, she will likely develop some unwanted behaviors, such as destroying personal belongings. It will also be more difficult for her to focus during training.
If training is difficult, look for ways to be more active. Taking your puppy for a walk or spending 15 to 20 minutes at a local dog park can make a huge difference in her behavior.
Read on to learn more about potty training your puppy.
Are pit bulls easy to potty train?
Yes, pit bulls are generally easy to train, but potty training can take a few months. Make sure to be consistent when you praise your puppy, and don’t hesitate to get help by joining an obedience class.
How do you potty train a pitbull puppy fast?
Crate training can speed up the process of potty training. If you don’t want to use a crate, try confining your puppy to a room or area in your home. Your dog will quickly learn not to soil their living space.
How often do pitbull puppies need to pee?
Puppies can’t control their bladder muscles. Typically, your pitbull puppy will need to go outside every hour or two, but you can wait longer as your pet gets older.
How often do pitbull puppies poop?
It can vary based on their diet and lifestyle. Puppies can go five to six times a day, usually within 30 minutes to an hour after eating.
What Is the Best Way to Potty Train a Pitbull Puppy?
So, are pit bulls hard to potty train? The answer is no, but it’s important that you know how to do it. Using positive reinforcement is the best way to train your new companion not to pee or poop in the house. Instead of punishing your dog for accidents, focus on praising her when she goes outside.
You can also use crate training or confine your puppy to an area to teach her not to use the bathroom in her living space. Remember that patience and consistency are crucial when potty training your new companion.
Potty training takes months, and you’ll have to deal with accidents, but it’s an important part of owning a pet.